Dare to Dream Big!


Do you notice you talk yourself out of doing things that on a level you are curious about or want to try? Do you notice yourself finding all those reasons why you shouldn’t try that new thing or activity you have been thinking about? Or do you notice yourself talking yourself out of doing things that would be good for you? Well, what if you started talking back to that inner voice that keeps telling you why it’s better you don’t do those things? And instead, respond back to it with all the reasons why you are going to do that thing or activity. Why by doing that thing or activity going to make you a better version of yourself? Why listening to those inner urges is how you grow and expand. Why choosing to do those things is part of your growth process, because without human experiences in all their shapes and forms our growth and expansion as a person will be severely constricted. That is why it is so important to allow yourself to dare to dream up a powerful authentic life for yourself and then work to bring it into reality through your daily actions.


There is nothing more motivating than a big authentic dream life to work towards. And I call it powerful and authentic because the key to this dream is that it’s authentic to who you are on a heart and soul level. The dream needs to be less about money and status, and more about what feeds you on a heart and soul level. So as you envision your big authentic life, take time to think about what are the things you love in your life, what things feed your soul and how your big authentic life dream aligns with those. Because the more they align with those the more authentic the dream and the more naturally motivated you will feel to achieve that big authentic dream for yourself.

Make Time for You.

If you are struggling with where to start and how to get the ball rolling to create your own big authentic dream life. Then the best place to start is to make more time for yourself. Take time to reflect on where you are right now. Take time to consider what is working for you right now and what you would like to be different. Get to know your own why. Why do you do what you do, what are your values, and what are the things about your life that you feel most passionate about? Is there something that you would like to have in your life that you don’t have right now? Take time to journal your thoughts and gather all your thoughts in one place as you begin to weave the idea of what you would like your own big authentic dream life to look like.


Allow yourself the freedom to consider all possibilities, don’t talk yourself out of anything at this point. Put all your thoughts and ideas down on paper, and really allow yourself to be playful in this process. Don’t be in your head too much as you go through this process, just listen to your heart and soul’s wishes. Those are those quiet murmuring thoughts that come to you with those sparks of an idea of what you could be doing, or what you could try out. Allow yourself to be curious in this process rather than judgemental or critical. That curious state of mind will truly allow those creative ideas for your life to flow.

Start to Create Your Vision

Once you have started to gather some ideas for yourself, begin the process of creating a vision for yourself. You could do this in the form of a vision board, or in the form of a new life story seeing yourself living that big authentic dream life of yours. Allow your dream to be fluid and flexible. Getting comfortable with the dream is something that can shift and adapt as you go. Because as you work your way towards your life vision, you will have a range of human experiences along the way. And through those experiences, you may want to adapt and tweak what you wish your dream life to be. So remember to allow that flexibility and fluidity as you create that starting point for your life vision.

Make sure Your Vision is Heart Led.

Another aspect of creating an authentic vision for your dream life is to make sure it is grounded in and connected directly to those things that you value and you love. It’s not all about material possessions. It is more about how your dream life vision lights you up from the inside out. And not the other way around. Because material possessions on their own will not feed your heart or soul. So pause and consider how authentic your dream life vision is. Does the idea of working to create that life for yourself light you up from the inside out? Are the things that you are striving for going to give you a personal sense of fulfilment and growth? Because nurturing your own personal growth and sense of fulfilment is essential to feel fully connected to that authentic dream life that you want for yourself.

Accept that Life Is A Journey.

As you begin to shape and weave that authentic dream life for yourself, remind yourself daily that life is a journey, life is about learning from our daily experiences, allowing those to shape and inform who we become as we walk our own life journeys. It’s about taking that journey with an open and curious mindset, letting go of a critical or judgemental mindset. It’s about allowing yourself to let go of the need to be in control of everything, and to purely focus on your own behaviours, actions, thoughts, and words. Those are the only things that you have true ownership of.

Learn to Embrace the Freedom of the Journey.

Next is to learn that nothing is written in stone. Anything can happen if you choose to make it happen. Nothing is predetermined. But allowing ourselves to embrace the fluidity of our own life journeys is a true skill that we all need to nurture within each of us. Accepting that for us to be able to embrace our life journey we need to accept that it will weave and change as we go, it will bring us hard times and good times, all of which help us to become stronger and better human beings one day and one experience at a time.

Be Present and Intentional on a Daily Basis.

What you can do is be intentional about how you step into your daily activities and choices. The more you can stay connected to the vision of your authentic dream life and make sure that your actions and choices stay connected to that vision the more you will be able to make your vision a reality for yourself.


So how would you like to dream big? Be brave take that first step and begin to pull some thoughts together on what your big authentic dream life would look like. Start to put down some thoughts on where you are now and where you would like to get to. Be intentional and present with the dream on a daily basis. Remember that it is fluid and ever-changing, the learning is in the experience you have along the way and your commitment to the process and the journey.

If you wish, for advice or support about your next best steps – email me directly at ml@mldevitt.com. If you would prefer to listen to my podcast you can get the latest episodes here.

ML Devitt

Marie-Louise is a Spiritual Life Coach and Creative, Author and podcaster. She is passionate about personal and spiritual growth and loves to support her coaching clients along their spiritual growth journey. She is also an budding photographer and will share a range of posts which draw on all these aspects of her work.


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